Attention:"Equity In Side"Investor Protection Special Activities Launched

Updated date:2015/5/29 13:49:28

Immediate concern: "fair around" Investor Protection Special Campaign officially launched!
Launching ceremony held in Beijing 12386 hotline workplace. SFC Chairman Xiao Gang attended the ceremony and delivered an important speech
In order to strengthen the protection of the interests of the national medium and small investors, so that investors benefit, fair treatment in the investment process, to achieve the rule, equal rights and opportunities, China Securities Regulatory Commission "fair around" Investor Protection Special Campaign in 2015 May 15 was officially launched.
Xiao Gang Chairman of the Commission on the special launch event, "said investor protection around fair held special activities aimed through specific initiatives really work, the work requires the full implementation of investor protection to the capital market reform, development and regulatory aspects, all aspects, and strive to create a more equitable environment for every investor, especially medium and small investors really feel fair on their side.
The "fair around" special activities to investor protection hotline 12386 opened nationally televised as an opportunity to carry out a period of 2-3 years, investor protection special activities "fair in the side." 12386 hotline since September 2013 since the trial operation, handled 77,000 investors effective appeal. Nationwide direct realization of the country also means that the majority of small investors can also use this convenient tool to deal with related issues.
"Fair in the side" campaign will run through the opening of Chinese investor website published White Paper on China investor protection, promote the construction of "investor education base" and other action to allow investors to enjoy the right to a fair, easy to understand language so that by Investors clear disclosure of content and standards. Investors have their own website, with its own channels and service establishments, access to free educational services more equitable opportunity to avoid blindly follow the trend, hearsay and other acts.
Meanwhile, to improve the processing capacity of the demands of investors, the Commission will further optimize the complaint handling procedures, improve complaint visit system, the establishment of wrapped v, v downtown investors focus on the list, according to the law to guide investors ordered its demands. Mediation and legal assistance to open the window, expand services. Complaints do not place on the market of business entities to be accountable in accordance with regulations, improve investor satisfaction.

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